Animation - Descent of the testis

The processus vaginalis is a diverticulum of the peritoneal cavity that extends into the scrotum or labium majus.

In the male, the gubernaculum shortens, drawing the testis into the scrotum behind (posterior to) the processus. The gubernaculum becomes the scrotal ligament, and the processus becomes the tunica vaginalis testis.

In the female, when the gubernaculum begins to shorten, the ovary is drawn into the pelvis but then the gubernaculum fuses to the side of the uterus and becomes the proper ovarian ligament and the round ligament of the uterus.

The processus should completely obliterate in the female. In the male, it should obliterate between the deep inguinal ring and the tunica vaginalis testis (which is retained to act as a bursa for the mobile testis within the scrotum).