Animation - Descent of the testis

The layers of the abdominal wall involved in the descent of the testis are:
  • Peritoneum - forming the processus vaginalis, a diverticulum of the peritoneal cavity
  • Transversalis fascia - forming deep inguinal ring and internal spermatic fascia
  • Transversus abdominis - helping to form the conjoint tendon
  • Internal abdominal oblique - forming the falx inguinalis, conjoint tendon, and contributes the cremaster muscle and fascia
  • External abdominal oblique - forming the superficial inguinal ring and providing its deep fascia as the external spermatic fascia
  • Skin - with a smooth muscular subcutaneous layer called tunica dartos scroti
Click here to play an animated program that explains the descent of the testis and the inguinal region. Click on the Menu button within the animation to bring up explanations of direct and indirect hernias.