Practice Quiz - Urinary System

  1. Which of the following develops from the intermediate mesoderm in response to induction by the ureteric bud?
    prostatic utricle
    ductus deferens
    median umbilical ligament
    labium majora
    seminal vesicle
    proper ovarian ligament
    urinary bladder
    uterine tube
    labium minora
  2. Which of the following is a remnant of the allantois?
    prostatic utricle
    ductus deferens
    median umbilical ligament
    labium majora
    seminal vesicle
    proper ovarian ligament
    urinary bladder
    uterine tube
    labium minora
  3. The ureteric bud appears as an outgrowth from the:
    metanephric mass
    lateral plate mesoderm
    urogenital sinus
    allantoic duct
    mesonephric duct
  4. Embryologically, each uriniferous tubule consists of two parts which become confluent at the junction of the:
    ascending limb of Henle's loop and the distal convoluted tubule
    renal corpuscle and the proximal convoluted tubule
    descending and ascending limbs of the loop of Henle
    proximal convoluted tubule and the loop of Henle
    distal convoluted tubule and the collecting tubule
  5. Which of the following are derivatives of the human pronephros?
    renal capsule
    Bowman's capsule
  6. Bilateral renal agenesis:
    is due to an endocrine imbalance
    is incompatible with life
    results when the kidneys fail to migrate out of the pelvis
    is due to the absence of a paramesonephric duct
  7. Which of the following associations are correct?
    renal pelvis - ureteric bud
    ureter - ureteric bud
    urethra - urogenital sinus
    median umbilical ligament - urachus
    all of the above are correct
  8. In the urinary system:
    the excretory units are outgrowths from collecting ducts
    the bladder is a derivative of the urogenital sinus
    the collecting ducts are derived from the metanephric blastema
    a urachal fistula is a remnant of the cloaca
  9. Exstrophy of the bladder:
    is frequently accompanied by hypospadias
    is due to a primary defect in endoderm migration
    is due to a deficient growth of the urorectal septum
    exposes the posterior wall of the bladder to the outside
  10. The urinary system in the human does NOT:
    develop from intermediate mesoderm
    develop from two different sources
    develop in close association with the genital system
    have a functional pronephros during the 4th week of gestation
  11. In the urinary system:
    pressence of feces at the umbilicus of an infant may be indicative of urachal fistula
    renal agenesis is most likely due to an endocrine imbalance
    urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid during the second half of pregnancy
    congenital polycystic kidney is most likely due to a blockage of the urethra
  12. Which of the following is NOT true concerning urinary system development:
    the epithelium of the male and female urethra is of endodermal origin
    the distal convoluted tubules arise from the metanephric blastema
    the collecting ducts arise from the ureteric bud
    the glomerulus arises from the mesonephric duct
  13. The embryonic origin of tubuli recti of the kidney is:
    mesonephric tubules
    Wolffian duct
    ureteric bud or metanephric diverticulum
    metanephric blastema
    metanephric glomeruli
  14. The calyces of the kidney arise from:
  15. The structure dividing the cloaca into two parts is the:
    distal retention band
    transverse septum
    urogenital sinus
    urorectal septum
    cloacal membrane
  16. Which duct is NOT associated with urinary system development?
    ureteric bud
    paramesonephric duct
    Wolffian duct
    pronephric duct
    mesonephric duct
  17. Horseshoe kidney:
    involves splitting of the ureteric bud into a horseshoe shape
    normally ascends to the L2 vertebral level
    involves the persistence of the mesonephric kidney
    results from fusion of the caudal poles of the kidneys