Practice Quiz - Peritoneal Cavity & Intestines

    Below are written questions from previous quizzes and exams. Click here for a Practical Quiz - old format or Practical Quiz - new format.

  1. Which of the following veins does not run a course parallel to the artery of the same name?
    superior epigastric
    superficial circumflex iliac
    inferior mesenteric
    superior rectal
  2. The presence of which feature (also obvious on a radiograph with barium contrast) distinguishes small from large bowel?
    Circular folds of the mucosa
    Circular smooth muscle layer in the wall
    Mucosal glands
    Longitudinal smooth muscle layer in the wall
  3. Occlusion of the inferior mesenteric artery is seldom symptomatic because its territory may be supplied by branches of the:
    Middle colic
    Right colic
  4. During exploratory abdominal surgery on a 55-year-old male complaining of right lower quadrant pain, the surgeon initially sees no appendix but knows that he can quickly locate it by
    looking at the confluence of the teniae coli
    palpating the ileocecal valve and looking just above it
    following the course of the right colic artery
    removing the right layer of the mesentery of the jejunoileum
    palpating and inspecting the pelvic brim
  5. During development of the gut:
    the sigmoid colon is retroperitoneal
    the inferior mesenteric artery is the axis for rotation of the midgut loop
    the stomach rotates around its longitudinal axis causing the ventral border to become the greater curvature
    the liver is non-functional
    none of the above
  6. Meckel's diverticulum:
    is an abnormal persistance of the urachus
    is a site of ectopic pancreatic tissue
    is caused by a failure of the midgut loop to return to the abdominal cavity
    is an abnormal connection of the midgut to the duodenum
    is associated with polyhydramnios
  7. Visceral pain is often referred to a site on the body wall (where the patient "feels" it) that is innervated by the same spinal cord segment that innervates the visceral organ involved. Pain of appendicitis is often first felt around the umbilicus, indicating that the appendix receives its sympathetic (and thus visceral afferents) from which spinal cord segment?
    T 9
    T 10
    T 11
    T 12
    L 1
  8. A surgical maneuver which takes advantage of the avascular plane of fusion fascia can be applied to mobilize all of the organs below, except the:
    Ascending colon
    Descending colon
  9. A surgeon performing an appendectomy was unable to identify the base of the appendix due to massive adhesions in the peritoneal cavity. Eventually she identified the cecum and was able to localize the base of the appendix. What anatomical structure(s) on the cecum would she have used to find the base of the appendix?
    Omental appendages
    Haustra coli
    Ileal orifice
    Semilunar folds
    Teniae coli
  10. The spleen normally does not descend below the costal margin. However, it pushes downward and medially when pathologically enlarged. What structure limits the straight vertical downward movement?
    Left colic flexure
    Left suprarenal gland
    Ligament of Treitz
  11. During the surgical repair of a hiatal hernia, the celiac branch of the posterior vagal trunk was severed accidentally. The damage to this nerve would affect the muscular movements, as well as some secretory activities, of the gastrointestinal tract (GI). Which segment is least likely to be affected by the nerve damage?
    Ascending colon
    Sigmoid colon
  12. A 70-year-old man with cancer of the ascending colon was admitted to the hospital for tumor removal. The surgeon may perform any of these surgical procedures EXCEPT:
    an incision in the left lower quadrant to access the tumor.
    examination of the superior mesenteric lymph nodes for possible metastasis.
    ligation of the relevant branches of the superior mesenteric artery.
    mobilization of the concerned intestinal segment by freeing its fusion fascia.
    protect the peritoneum from possible fecal contamination.
  13. A 60-year-old woman arrived at the emergency room complaining of acute abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with ischemic bowel resulting from an obstruction of one or more branches of the inferior mesenteric artery. Which of the following is most likely NOT to be seriously affected by the ischemia?
    Descending colon
    Sigmoid colon
    Splenic flexure
  14. A surgeon has decided to perform a segmental resection of the descending colon on a 70-year-old man with intestinal cancer. In principle, any of these surgical procedures might be necessary EXCEPT:
    An extended left lower quadrant incision to approach the descending colon.
    Examining the sacral lymph nodes for possible enlargement.
    Ligation of the relevant left colic artery branches.
    Mobilizing the concerned intestinal segment by freeing its fusion fascia.
    Protecting the peritoneum from possible fecal contamination.
  15. As the bowel is exposed, the surgeon says in amazement, "This is a loop of large bowel!" Which characteristic(s) would identify it specifically as large bowel?
    A serosa
    Circular folds
    Epiploic appendages
    C and D
  16. The anastomotic artery running along the border of the large intestine is called the:
    Arteriae rectae
  17. The inferior mesenteric artery is often occluded by atherosclerosis without symptoms; its normal area of distribution therefore must be supplied by collateral blood flow between which arteries?
    Ileocolic and right colic
    Left and middle colic
    Left colic and sigmoidal
    Right and middle colic
    Sigmoidal and superior rectal
  18. The artery of the midgut is the:
    Celiac trunk
    Inferior mesenteric
    Proper hepatic
    Superior mesenteric