Autonomic innervation of the head - summary
Sympathetic - internal & external carotid nerves/plexuses - innervate blood vessels, sweat glands, superior tarsal and dilator pupillae muscles.
Parasympathetic -
- oculomotor n. (III) > inferior division > motor root > ciliary ganglion > short ciliary nn. > sphincter pupillae & ciliary muscles
- facial n. (VII) > greater petrosal n. > n. of pterygoid canal > pterygopalatine ganglion > zygomatic n. (V2) > zygomaticotemporal n. > lacrimal n. (V1) > lacrimal gland
- facial n. (VII) > chorda tympani > lingual n. (V3) > submandibular ganglion > submandibular & sublingual glands
- glossopharyngeal n. (IX) > tympanic n. > tympanic plexus > lesser petrosal n. > otic ganglion > auriculotemporal n. (V3) > parotid gland
- vagus n. (X) > pharyngeal, superior laryngeal, and recurrent laryngeal nn. > terminal ganglia > mucous glands