Learning Modules - Medical Gross Anatomy
Movements of the Lower Limb - Page 3 of 12


Thigh Abduction and Adduction


Abduction of the thigh is also called hip abduction. The thigh is pulled laterally away from the midline.

Muscles: gluteus medius and minimus are the most powerful hip abductors, assisted by piriformis and tensor fasciae latae.

The hip abductors are active in stabilizing the contralateral hip when the foot is lifted off the ground during walking, i.e. when the right foot is off the ground and moving forward, the hip abductors on the left are contracting. This keeps the pelvis from falling toward the unsupported right side.


Adduction of the thigh is also called hip adduction. The thigh moves medially toward the midline.

Muscles: adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and gracilis are the powerful hip adductors, assisted by pectineus.

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