Practice Quiz - Anterior & Medial Thigh

    Below are written questions from previous quizzes and exams. Click here for a Practical Quiz - old format or Practical Quiz - new format.

  1. Following a car accident in which the patient received a deep laceration on the medial side of his right knee, the patient notices numbness along the medial side of his right leg and foot. He has no motor deficit. The nerve which appears to have been injured is the:
    femoral nerve
    saphenous nerve
    sural nerve
    superficial fibular nerve
    deep fibular nerve
  2. A 'saphenous vein cut-down' is a procedure used to locate the great saphenous vein at the ankle. To find this vein, the skin would be incised:
    anterior to the lateral epicondyle
    posterior to the medial epicondyle
    anterior to the medial malleolus
    posterior to the lateral malleolus
    over the base of the fifth metatarsal
  3. While doing a physical examination on a young boy, you noticed an enlarged superficial inguinal lymph node. The patient indicated that he has recently sustained an infected skin wound in the:
    anterior abdominal wall above the umbilicus.
    anterior chest wall.
    skin of the lower limb.
    upper back.
  4. A patient with a diabetic ulcer in the anterior midline of the ankle region experienced loss of cutaneous sensation on the dorsal surface of the foot. Which nerve was most likely damaged?
    Lateral sural cutaneous
    Superficial fibular
  5. A construction worker, who wears a heavy work belt all day on the job, notices a tingling sensation on the anterolateral surface of his thigh. This is most likely a condition called:
    compartment syndrome
    meralgia parasthetica
  6. A saphenous cutdown is a surgical procedure that involves cutting through the skin to locate the greater saphenous vein in order to insert a catheter or cannula. You can find the vein as it passes ___________________ with the saphenous nerve.
    Anterior to the medial epicondyle
    Anterior to the medial malleolus
    Through the saphenous opening
    Tributaries to the posterior tibial vein
    Subcutaneous branches of the posterior tibial artery
  7. A cashier develops painful and tortuous varicose veins in her lower limb. Her doctor explains that prolonged standing at her job led to failure of the valves in the:
    deep femoral vein
    great saphenous vein
    lesser saphenous vein
    perforating veins
    popliteal vein
  8. Your patient complains of pain on her calf. Upon inspection, you find tortuous, dilated vessels lying subcutaneously on the posterior aspect of her leg. These vessels are most likely:
    Tributaries to the greater saphenous vein
    Tributaries to the lesser saphenous vein
    Perforating veins
    Through the iliotibial tract
    Through the popliteal fascia
  9. A 50-year-old female patient has large varicose veins located primarily on the posterior aspect of her calf. These veins are most likely direct tributaries to the:
    great saphenous vein
    sural vein
    small saphenous vein
    femoral vein
    dorsal venous arch
  10. You are in the clinic when a patient presents with varicose saphenous veins in her lower limb. The attending physician asks where the venous valves are located that are defective and cause this condition. Having just studied a clinical case in that regard, you respond. "The valves in the:
    deep veins."
    perforating veins."
    superficial veins."
    venae commitantes."
  11. Subcutaneous venous varicosities were observed in the anteromedial thigh. The vein involved is likely to be the:
    Greater saphenous
    Lesser saphenous
    Superficial external pudendal
  12. Varicosities in the subcutaneous veins of the medial thigh were observed at physical examination. The vein involved was most likely the:
    Greater saphenous.
    Lesser saphenous.
  13. A 63-year-old female patient says that she has pain in her groin and upper thigh. Upon examination, you palpate a lump located below the inguinal ligament lateral to its attachment to the pubic tubercle. You suspect that this may be a hernia passing through the:
    femoral canal
    adductor hiatus
    obturator canal
    deep inguinal ring
    superficial inguinal ring
  14. The femoral canal contains the:
    Deep inguinal lymph node(s)
    Femoral artery
    Femoral nerve
    Femoral vein
    Ilioinguinal nerve
  15. Which movement would fail in case of paralysis of the quadriceps femoris muscle?
    Adduction at the hip
    Extension at the hip
    Extension at the knee
    Flexion at the knee
    Medial rotation at the knee
  16. Which structure does NOT enter or leave the inguinal region by passing deep to the inguinal ligament?
    Femoral artery
    Femoral nerve
    Femoral vein
    Psoas major muscle
    Round ligament of the uterus
  17. An elderly woman was found to have a hernial sac in the right femoral triangle and a marked weakness in adduction at the right hip joint. Which nerve was likely compressed by this herniation?
    Inferior gluteal
  18. When walking, the action of the iliopsoas muscle results in what motion at the hip joint?
    Medial rotation
  19. The pulse of the femoral artery is best felt at which superficial reference point?
    Anterior to the ankle joint
    Femoral triangle
    Popliteal fossa
    Right lateral portion of the hypogastrium
  20. If the femoral artery is occluded at the beginning of the adductor canal, which artery could help provide viability to the leg through collateral circulation?
    Descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral
    Descending genicular
    First perforating branch of the deep femoral
    Medial circumflex femoral
  21. At which site could one expect to enter the femoral vein with a simple percutaneous (through the skin) introduction of an instrument?
    Above the middle of the inguinal ligament
    Lateral to the femoral arterial pulse
    Lateral to the pubic tubercle
    Medial to the femoral arterial pulse
    Medial to the pubic tubercle
  22. What anterior thigh muscle must be retracted to expose the adductor canal and its contents?
    Adductor magnus
    Rectus femoris
    Vastus intermedius
  23. A serious complication of fractures of the femoral neck is avascular necrosis of the femoral head. This usually results from rupture of which artery?
    Acetabular branch of obturator
    Deep circumflex iliac
    Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral
    Medial circumflex femoral
    Second perforating branch of lateral circumflex
  24. A ruptured aneurysm in the most proximal portion of the deep femoral artery would result in a hematoma located initially in the:
    Adductor canal.
    Femoral canal.
    Femoral triangle.
    Inguinal canal.
    Popliteal fossa.
  25. Following a penetrating injury to the left femoral triangle, a patient related that walking was virtually impossible because at every step the left knee collapsed into flexion. This history suggests paralysis of which muscle?
    Adductor magnus.
    Biceps femoris.
    Gluteus maximus.
    Quadriceps femoris.
  26. A patient with a tuberculous abscess (localized collection of pus) on the iliopsoas muscle in the femoral triangle presented impaired flexion of the thigh and extension of the leg. Which of the following nerves was likely involved?
    inferior gluteal
    superior gluteal
  27. An obturator hernia that compresses the obturator nerve in the obturator canal may affect the function of all of the following muscles EXCEPT:
    Adductor brevis
    Adductor longus
    Obturator externus
  28. Childhood immunizations are sometimes given via intramuscular injections into the quadriceps muscles of the anterior thigh. At the mid-thigh level, a needle passing into the space deep to the sartorius muscle might pierce the femoral vessels as they lie in the:
    Adductor canal
    Adductor hiatus
    Adductor triangle
    Femoral canal
    Femoral ring
  29. A female patient complains of pain in her groin region that increases with coughing. An MRI reveals a loop of ilium passing inferiorly, posterior to the superior pubic ramus. What type of hernia is this?
    direct inguinal
    indirect inguinal
  30. During a surgical procedure in which the lower abdominal wall has been opened, the retractor blades damaged a nerve lying between the iliacus and psoas major muscles. The patient has weakened hip flexion and an inability to extend the knee, as well as analgesia on the anterior thigh and medial leg. What nerve has been compressed?
    common fibular
  31. Which of the following is NOT located within the adductor canal?
    Saphenous nerve
    Femoral artery
    Nerve to vastus medialis
    Femoral vein
    Deep femoral artery
  32. Inability to extend the knee and loss of cutaneous sensation over the anterior surface of the thigh would indicate a lesion or compression of the:
    Superior gluteal nerve
    Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
    Sciatic nerve
    Femoral nerve
    Obturator nerve
  33. Which statement is true?
    The femoral artery lies medial to the femoral vein
    The femoral vein lies medial to the femoral artery
    The external iliac veins join to form the inferior vena cava
    The inferior vena cava can not be imaged radiographically
    A and C
  34. Blood flow around an occlusion of the femoral (superficial femoral) artery at the apex of the femoral triangle could be provided by:
    Anterior tibial recurrent
    Descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral
    Descending genicular
    Medial circumflex femoral
    Perforating branches of the deep femoral
  35. After suffering a penetrating injury in the left femoral triangle, a patient was unable to walk normally because her left knee collapsed into flexion upon weight bearing. The nerve to which muscle was damaged?
    Adductor magnus
    Biceps femoris
    Gluteus maximus
    Gluteus medius
    Quadriceps femoris
  36. "Scissor gait" is a condition in which one limb crosses in front of the other during stepping as a result of powerful hip adduction caused by continuous, unwanted nerve activity. What is the nerve involved in this condition?
    Inferior gluteal
  37. In the middle third of the thigh, the superficial and deep femoral arteries are separated by:
    Adductor longus
    Adductor magnus
    Vastus medialis
  38. Fracture of the femoral neck may lead to avascular necrosis of the femoral head due to the interruption of which artery?
    First perforating branch of the deep femoral
    Inferior epigastric
    Internal pudendal
    Lateral circumflex femoral
    Medial circumflex femoral
  39. Following surgical opening of the adductor canal, a patient experienced a loss of cutaneous sensation of the medial side of the leg. Which nerve was cut?
    Medial sural cutaneous