Review Items - Ear & Nasal Cavity

Petrous part of the temporal bone (N9, TG7-07)
Arcuate eminence (N9, TG7-07)
Tegmen tympani (N92, TG7-66)
External & internal acoustic meatus (N8,N10, TG7-04, TG7-07)
Epitympanic recess (N9, N92,N94, TG7-65, TG7-68)
Promontory (N94, TG7-68)
Facial canal (N94, TG7-68)
Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve (N10, TG7-07)
Hiatus for lesser petrosal nerve (N10, TG7-07)
Inferior tympanic canaliculus (N8, TG7-06)
Petrotympanic fissure (N8, TG7-06)
Auditory (Eustachian) tube (bony & cartilaginous) (N55,N65,N67,N92,N94, TG7-24, TG7-65, TG7-68)
Vestibular (oval) window (N92,N94, TG7-68, TG7-70)
Cochlear (round) window (N92,N94, TG7-68, TG7-70)
Mastoid antrum (N94, TG7-68)
Aditus ad antrum (N94, TG7-68)
Malleus (head, handle, anterior process) (N92,N93,N94, TG7-65, TG7-68, TG7-69A, TG7-69B)
Incus (body, short process, long process) (N92,N93,N94, TG7-65, TG7-68, TG7-69A, TG7-69C)
Stapes (head, neck, crura, footplate) (N92,N93,N94, TG7-65, TG7-68, TG7-69A, TG7-69D)
Sphenoid (N6, TG7-07, TG7-08)
Sphenoid sinus (N48,N49,N6, TG7-08, TG7-43, TG7-44)
Medial pterygoid plate (N6,N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
     Pterygoid hamulus (N6,N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
Maxilla (N2, TG7-03)
Maxillary sinus (N48,N49, TG7-44A, TG7-44BC)
Ethmoid (N6, TG7-08)
Ethmoidal air cells (N48,N49, TG7-44A, TG7-44BC)
Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
Cribriform plate
Superior & middle conchae
Pterygopalatine fossa (N4, TG7-32)
Sphenopalatine foramen (N4, TG7-32)
Inferior concha (N2,N6, TG7-03, TG7-08)
Vomer (N2,N6, TG7-03, TG7-41)
Nasal aperture (N2, TG7-03)
Nasal bones (N2, TG7-03)
Nasal septum (N2, N6, N39, TG7-03, TG7-41A, TG7-41B)
Hard palate (N51, TG7-06)
Outer ear (N92, TG7-65)
Middle ear (N92, TG7-65)
Inner ear (N92, TG7-65)

Nasal cavity:

Inferior meatus (N37, TG7-43)
Orifice - nasolacrimal duct (N37, N38, TG7-42, TG7-43)
Middle meatus (N37, TG7-43)
Semilunar hiatus (N37, TG7-43)
     Orifice - frontonasal duct (N37, TG7-43)
     Orifice - anterior ethmoidal air cells (N37,N38, TG7-42, TG7-43)
     Orifice - maxillary sinus (N37, TG7-43)
Ethmoidal bulla (N37,N38, TG7-42, TG7-43)
     Orifice - middle ethmoidal air cells (N37,N38, TG7-42, TG7-43)
Superior meatus (N37, TG7-43)
Orifice - posterior ethmoidal air cells (N37, TG7-43)
Sphenoethmoidal recess (N37, TG7-43)
Orifice - sphenoid sinus (N37, TG7-43)
Conchae (N6,N37, N38, TG7-08, TG7-42)
Nares (N1, TG7-02A and TG7-02B)
Vestibule (N37, TG7-43)
Wall (N37, TG7-43)
Choanae (N37, N66, TG7-22, TG7-43)
Stapedius m. & tendon (N93,N94, TG7-66, TG7-68)
Tensor tympani m. & tendon (N93,N94, TG7-66, TG7-68)
Levator veli palatini (N64 ,N65,N68, TG7-20, TG7-24)
Tensor veli palatini (N64,N65,N68, TG7-20, TG7-24)
Vestibulocochlear n. (N92, N97, N104,N124, TG7-65)
Facial nerve (N92, N94, N97,N104,N123, TG7-51, TG7-65, TG7-68, TG7-87)
Geniculate ganglion
Chorda tympani
Greater petrosal n.
Lesser petrosal n. (N90,N125, TG7-89)
Olfactory nerve (I) (N42 ,N43, TG7-41)
Tympanic membrane (tympanum) (N92,N93,N94, TG7-65, TG7-66, TG7-68)
Cochlea (N92,N95,N97, TG7-65, TG7-67, TG7-70)
Semicircular canals (N92,N95,N97, TG7-65, TG7-67, TG7-70)
Clinical Terms:
Otitis media/mastoiditis
Kiesselbach's area
Deviated septum
Cleft palate