Lab Video - Axilla, Posterior Shoulder, & Arm

Play selected steps of the dissection.
1. Review the bony landmarks. 720x528
2. With the arm abducted, remove the fat and lymph nodes from the axilla. 720x528
3. Cut and remove the middle third of the clavicle. Cut the axillary vein lateral to its junction with cephalic vein and remove axillary vein and tributaries. 720x528
4. Separate all brachial plexus nerves and axillary artery branches. 720x528
5. Reflect deltoid muscle from acromion and spine of scapula. 720x528
6. Saw off acromion and reflect supraspinatus muscle. 720x528
7. Reflect infraspinatus from the medial border of scapula toward shoulder and find nerves and vessels beneath. 720x528
8. Dissect the teres minor and major muscles. 720x528
9. Open the arm compartments. 720x528
10. Cut the lateral head of the triceps obliquely in the direction of the radial groove to expose the radial nerve and deep brachial artery. 720x528