Review Items - Hand

Compartments of the hand:
Thenar (N460, TG2-34, N462, TG2-36)
Hypothenar (N460, TG2-34, N462, TG2-36)
Central (N462, TG2-36)
Adductor-interosseous (N462, TG2-36)
Special structures:
Palmar aponeurosis (N459, TG2-33)
Flexor retinaculum (N460, TG2-34)
Carpal tunnel (N461, TG2-36)
Radial bursa (N462)
Ulnar bursa (N462, TG2-34)
Fibrous digital flexor sheaths (N462, TG2-34)
Vincula (N464, TG2-45)
Abductor pollicis brevis m. (N465, TG2-34)
Flexor pollicis brevis m. (N465, TG2-34)
Opponens pollicis m. (N465, TG2-35)
Adductor pollicis (oblique & transverse heads) m. (N461, N465, TG2-35)
Abductor digiti minimi m. (N461, N465, TG2-35)
Flexor digiti minimi (brevis) m. (N461, N465, TG2-34)
Opponens digiti minimi m. (N461, N448, TG2-35)
Dorsal interossei mm. (4) (N465, TG2-35)
Palmar interossei mm. (3) (N465, TG2-35)
Lumbricals mm. (4) (N463, TG2-34)
Median: (N475, TG2-48)
Recurrent (motor) br. (N466, TG2-38)
Common palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-38)
     Proper palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-38A, TG2-38B)
Ulnar: (N476, TG2-49)
Superficial branch (N466, TG2-38)
     Common palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-38)
          Proper palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-38A, TG2-38B)
Deep br. (N465, N466, TG2-38)
Radial - superficial palmar br., princeps pollicis, radialis indicis, deep br. (N466, TG2-37)
Ulnar - superficial & deep brs. (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
Superficial palmar arterial arch (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
Common palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
     Proper palmar digital brs. (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
Deep palmar arterial arch (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
Palmar metacarpal brs. (N466, TG2-37A, TG2-37B)
Clinical Terms:
Dupuytren's contracture
Ulnar claw hand
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Ape hand
Allen's test