Practice Quiz - Parotid Gland & Face

    Below are written questions from previous quizzes and exams. Click here for a Practical Quiz - old format or Practical Quiz - new format.

  1. Loss of sensation from the temporal region and loss of secretory function of the parotid gland would be caused by interruption of which nerve?
    Chorda tympani
    Deep temporal, posterior
    Great auricular
  2. An elderly man presented with severe pain beneath the left eye, radiating into the lower eyelid, lateral side of the nose and upper lip. What nerve was involved?
  3. During a face lift operation on a 48-year-old woman, the plastic surgeon inadvertently cut the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve. Which of the following muscles would be paralyzed because of the injury?
    Depressor anguli oris
    Levator anguli oris
    Levator labii superioris
  4. As a result of a face lift operation, a 46-year-old woman noticed an asymmetry of the inferior lip and could not fully depress the angle of her mouth on the right side. Which of the following nerves was most likely damaged during the surgery?
    zygomatic (VII)
    buccal (VII)
    mental (V3)
    marginal mandibular (VII)
    infraorbital (V2)
  5. An elderly woman complained of a severe pain, felt above the right eye radiating to the upper eyelid, side of the nose and forehead. Branches of which of the following nerves convey pain sensations from areas of the skin described?
    maxillary (V2)
    greater auricular nerve
    ophthalmic (V1)
    mandibular (V3)
    facial (VII)
  6. Due to multiple salivary calculi (stones) in the submandibular duct, the submandibular gland of a 45-year-old individual was surgically removed. What major artery directly related to the gland was of special concern to the surgeon?
    superior thyroid
    ascending pharyngeal
  7. To study the compensatory response of selective suprahyoid muscles in elevating the hyoid bone, an experiment was designed in which the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscles were paralyzed by drugs. The muscular branches of which of the following nerves must be chemically interrupted to produce paralysis in both muscles?
    inferior alveolar
  8. Which nerve provides motor innervation to the buccinator muscle?
    Auriculotemporal nerve
    Buccal branches of VII
    Buccal nerve
    Mandibular division of V
    Marginal mandibular nerve
  9. Which nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the skin of the angle of the mandible?
    Auriculotemporal nerve
    Lesser petrosal nerve
    Buccal branches of VII
    Marginal mandibular nerve
    Great auricular nerve
  10. Which nerve carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland?
    Auriculotemporal nerve
    Lesser petrosal nerve
    Glossopharyngeal nerve
    Great auricular nerve
    Marginal mandibular nerve
  11. A patient is unable to wink; what muscle is affected?
    levator palpebrae superioris
    orbicularis oculi
    superior tarsal
    zygomaticus major
  12. What structure lies deepest in the parotid gland?
    External carotid artery
    External jugular vein
    Facial artery
    Facial nerve
    Retromandibular vein
  13. A deep laceration of the face in the middle of the parotid gland could affect the:
    External jugular vein
    Facial nerve
    Glossopharyngeal nerve
    Hypoglossal nerve
    Lingual artery
  14. Pain elicited from an infected facial wound is primarily conveyed by what nerve?
    Great auricular
    Transverse cervical
  15. Inability to close the lips relates to the action of which muscle?
    Anterior belly of the digastric
    Orbicularis oris
    Zygomaticus major
  16. Which muscle will not be affected when the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) is anesthetized?
    Anterior belly of digastric
    Medial pterygoid
  17. A 38-year-old female patient complained of parotid pain that increased while eating. Intraoral examination detected some pus oozing from the parotid duct opening. What was the most likely anatomical reference that the physician considered to locate the parotid duct opening?
    Mucosa of the sublingual caruncle behind the central incisor teeth
    Mucosa of the cheek across the 2nd upper (maxillary) molar tooth
    Mucosa of the floor of the mouth along the sublingual fold
    Mucosa of the cheek across the 2nd lower (mandibular) molar tooth
  18. While recovering from a right facial paralysis, a 36-year-old female patient complained that food accumulated between the teeth and the cheek mucosa when chewing. The deficiency of which muscle was most likely the cause of the chewing problem?
    Zygomaticus major
    Orbicularis oris
    Levator labii superioris
  19. The parotid space contains all EXCEPT:
    External carotid artery
    Facial nerve
    Intraparotid lymph nodes
    Medial pterygoid muscle
    Retromandibular vein
  20. As a result of meningitis, a patient develops Bell's palsy. One of the symptoms was hyperacusis. What nerve was involved?
  21. Frey's Syndrome is marked by profuse sweating over one cheek, temple, and surrounding areas of the face, precipitated by eating. The condition may be idiopathic, but often follows parotid surgery. The condition is attributable to abberant reinnervation, the redirection of autonomic fibers normally going to salivary glands being redirected to sweat glands. What is the source of the nerve fibers involved?
  22. While recovering from multiple dental extractions, an elderly man experienced a radiating pain affecting the lower eyelid, lateral side of the nose, upper lip and over the zygomatic and temporal areas on the left side. Which nerve is involved in the patient's perception of pain?
    Opthalmic division of trigeminal
    Mandibular division of trigeminal
    Maxillary division of trigeminal
  23. The facial muscle most responsible for moving the lips both upward and laterally to produce a smile is:
    Levator anguli oris
    Levator labii superioris
    Zygomaticus major