Review Items - Abdominal Wall and Inguinal Region

Osteology: (N 248,486,185)

Iliac crest (TG 6-4)
Anterior superior iliac spine (TG 6-4)
Pubic crest (TG 6-4)
Pubic tubercle (TG 6-4)
Pecten pubis (pectineal line) (TG 6-4)
Iliopectineal line (TG 6-4)


External oblique (N 249, TG 5-04)
Internal oblique (N 250, TG 5-04)
Transversus abdominis (N 251, TG 5-05)
Rectus abdominis (N 250, TG 5-05)
    Tendinous intersections
Rectus sheath (N 249,251,252A,252B, TG 5-05, 5-06, 5-06)
Linea alba (N 249,251,252A,252B, TG 5-05, 5-06)
Arcuate line (TG 5-05, 5-07)
Falx inguinalis (conjoint tendon)


Fatty layer of superficial fascia (N 249, TG 5-02)
Membranous layer of superficial fascia (N 249, TG 5-02)
Tunica dartos scroti (N 387,390, TG 6-31)
Deep, investing fascia
Thoracolumbar fascia (N 174, TG 1-13)
Fascia lata (N 249, TG 3-02)
Transversalis fascia (N 251,252,261, TG 5-08C, 5-08D, 5-09C, 5-09D, 5-10A)
    Weak fascia

Inguinal canal: (N 260, TG 5-10A, 5-10B, 5-11A)

Deep (internal) inguinal ring
Superficial (external) inguinal ring (N 387,249,259,260, TG 5-08A, 5-09A)
    Lateral crus
    Medial crus
    Intercrural fibers
Round ligament of the uterus (N 397, TG 5-09A, 5-09C, 5-09D)
Spermatic cord (N 387, TG 5-08A, 5-08C, 5-08D, 5-10C)


Inguinal (N 250,251, TG 5-04)
Lacunar (N 251,262, TG 5-08D, 5-09D)
Pectineal (N 251,262, TG 5-08D, 5-09D)

Arteries & Veins:

Superficial epigastric (N 249, TG 5-02)
Inferior epigastric (N 255,260,261, TG 5-05, 5-07A)
Superior epigastric (N 191, TG 4-08, 5-05)
Deep circumflex iliac (N 255, TG 5-07A)
Ascending branch of deep circumflex iliac (N 255, TG 5-07A)


Intercostal nn. (T7-11) and subcostal n. (N 254,257, TG 5-02)
    Lateral and anterior cutaneous brs.
Iliohypogastric n. (N 257,266, TG 5-02, 5-38)
Ilioinguinal n. (N 257,266, TG 5-02, 5-38)
    Anterior labial or scrotal br.

Umbilical folds: (N 253, TG 5-07)

Lateral (epigastric)

Umbilical ligaments: (N 253, TG 5-07)

Median (urachus)
Medial (obliterated umbilical a.)

Fossae of lower anterior abdominal wall: (N 253,259, TG 5-07)

Medial inguinal
Lateral inguinal

Spermatic cord: (N 387,262, TG 5-08, 5-08D, 5-10B, 5-10C)

Ductus deferens
Testicular artery
Pampiniform plexus of veins
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve

Coverings of the spermatic cord: (N 260,387,390, TG 5-10B, 6-31)

External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle and fascia
Internal spermatic fascia

Coverings of the round ligament of the uterus:

Fascia of external abdominal oblique
Cremaster muscle & fascia
Transversalis fascia


Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (N 265,546, TG 6-33, 6-34)
Parietal peritoneum (N 260,261, TG 5-07A)
Extraperitoneal connective tissue (N 260,261, TG 5-06)
Inguinal triangle (N 259, TG 5-07)

Clinical Terms:

McBurney's point/incision
Subcostal incision
Pfannenstiel incision
Transpyloric plane
Umbilical hernia
Inguinal hernias (direct vs. indirect)
Incisional hernia
Cremasteric reflex