Review Items - Upper GI Tract

Sphenoid (N6, TG7-07, TG7-08)
Medial pterygoid plate (N6,N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
     Pterygoid hamulus (N6,N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
Maxilla (N2, TG7-03)
Hard palate (N51, TG7-06)
Zygomatic arch (N4, TG7-03)
External acoustic meatus (N4, TG7-04A)
Mastoid process (N N4, TG7-04A, TG7-06)
Styloid process (N4, TG7-04A, TG7-06)
Stylomastoid foramen (N8, TG7-06)
Mandible (N N15,N2, TG7-06, TG7-32B, TG7-32C)
Condyle & neck
Coronoid process
Mandibular notch
Pterygoid fovea
Mandibular foramen
Posterior border
     Mental foramen
Mandibular fossa (N4, TG7-32)
Articular eminence ( N12,N16, TG7-06)
Lateral pterygoid plate (N6, N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
Medial pterygoid plate ( N6, N8, TG7-06, TG7-08)
Pterygomaxillary fissure ( N4, TG7-32)
Foramen ovale (N4, N8, N11, TG7-06, TG7-07, TG7-32)
Foramen spinosum ( N8,N11, TG7-06, TG7-07)
Pharyngeal tubercle (N6, N8, TG7-06)
Hyoid (body; greater & lesser horns) (N13, N77, TG7-09, TG7-25)
Digastric m., anterior & posterior bellies (N27, N28, TG7-12, TG7-17)
Mylohyoid m. (N27,N28, N53, N59, TG7-12, TG7-37, TG7-40)
Stylohyoid m. (N59, TG7-17, TG7-40)
Geniohyoid m. (N53, N59,N63, TG7-38, TG7-40)
Tongue musculature
Extrinsic mm.
     Genioglossus m. (N63, N59, TG7-10, TG7-40)
     Hyoglossus m. (N53, N59, TG7-40)
     Styloglossus m. (N59, N68, TG7-20, TG7-40)
Intrinsic mm. (N126, TG7-38)
Masticatory muscles: (N54, N55, TG7-31, TG7-34)
Temporalis m. and temporal fascia
Masseter m. and masseteric fascia
Lateral pterygoid m., upper and lower heads
Medial pterygoid m.
Levator veli palatini (N64 ,N65,N68, TG7-20, TG7-24)
Tensor veli palatini (N64,N65,N68, TG7-20, TG7-24)
Muscles of facial expression acting on the oral opening: (N26 , N54, TG7-29, TG7-30A)
Levator labii superioris
Levator anguli oris
Zygomaticus major
Depressor anguli oris
Depressor labii inferioris
Orbicularis oris
Pharyngeal constrictor mm. (N65, N75, TG7-21, TG7-22, TG7-24)
Stylopharyngeus m. (N65, N67, TG7-21, TG7-24)
Pharyngobasilar fascia (N67, TG7-21)
Mandibular division of trigeminal (V3) (N46, N55, TG7-37, TG7-81, TG7-84A, TG7-84B, TG7-84C, TG7-85A, TG7-85B)
Mental n. (N N24,N46,N122, TG7-29, TG7-84)
Auriculotemporal n. (N24, N46, N61, N122, TG7-29, TG7-30, TG7-84)
Inferior alveolar n. (N42,N122, TG7-36, TG7-84)
Deep temporal nn. (N42, N122, TG7-36, TG7-85)
Lingual n. (N55, N57, N65, TG7-37, TG7-84A, TG7-84C)
Buccal n. (N50, N128, TG7-37, TG7-84)
Facial n. (CN VII) (N92, N94, N97,N104,N123, TG7-51, TG7-65, TG7-68, TG7-87)
Geniculate ganglion
Chorda tympani n. (N46, N94,N123, TG7-37, TG7-84, TG7-88B)
Submandibular ganglion (N46, N59, N61, N122, TG7-37, TG7-40, TG7-84)
Facial nerve branches to facial muscles: (N25, TG7-31A, TG7-87C)
     Temporal brs.
     Zygomatic brs.
     Buccal brs.
     Marginal mandibular brs.
     Cervical br.
Glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX) (N71, N125, N130, N131, TG7-20, TG7-21, TG7-90)
Pharyngeal brs.
Carotid sinus n. (N131, TG7-90)
Pharyngeal brs. (N131, TG7-21)
Hypoglossal n. (CN XII) (N32, N71, N128, TG7-17, TG7-18, TG7-20, TG7-21, TG7-94)
Arteries: (N69,N23, TG7-19, TG7-71)
External carotid a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-71)
Superior thyroid a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-13, TG7-14, TG7-25)
     Superior laryngeal a.
Lingual a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, N51, N59, N69,TG7-13, TG7-19, TG7-25, TG7-26, TG7-40)
Facial a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-19, TG7-31, TG7-71)
Occipital a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-71)
Ascending pharyngeal a. (N31, N32, N33, N34, TG7-71)
Internal carotid artery (N69, N136, TG7-72)
Carotid sinus (N130, N136, TG7-71)
Carotid body (N130, N136, TG7-90)
Superficial temporal v. (N23 ,N70, TG7-73)
Retromandibular v. (N70, TG7-11, TG7-73)
Anterior & posterior divisions
Facial v. (N23,N70, TG7-11, TG7-73)
Common facial v. (N70, TG7-11, TG7-73)
Posterior auricular v. (N70, TG7-11, TG7-73)
External jugular v. (N27,N70, TG7-11, TG7-73)
Venae commitans nervi hypoglossi (TG7-40)
Internal jugular vein (N74, TG7-73)
Pharyngeal plexus of veins (N73, TG7-73)
Viscera and Regions:
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ):
Articular eminence and mandibular fossa (temporal bone) (see above) (N12,N17, TG7-06)
Condyle (mandible) (N16, TG7-32B, TG7-32C)
Capsule (N17, TG7-33)
Articular disc; upper and lower articular compartments (N17)
Parotid gland: (N25 , N61, N54, TG7-30A, TG7-30B, TG7-31A)
Parotid fossa
Parotid fascia
Parotid duct
Oral cavity:
Oral cavity proper (N63, TG7-10, TG7-38A, TG7-38C)
Vestibule (TG7-38C)
Gingiva (N57, TG7-38A, TG7-38C)
Teeth (N56,N57, TG7-04, TG7-32)
Central & lateral incisors
First & second premolars
First, second, & third molars
Infratemporal fossa:
Location and boundaries (N4, N13, TG7-32)
Medial and lateral pterygoid mm. (see above) (N55, TG7-34)
Maxillary a. and branches (N69, TG7-19, TG7-34, TG7-35)
Inferior alveolar a.
Middle meningeal a.
Buccal a.
Muscular branches to masseter, temporalis, pterygoids
Pterygoid plexus of veins (N70, TG7-73)
Maxillary v. (N70, TG7-73)
Submandibular triangle:
Submandibular gland (N60, N61, N69, N73, TG7-12, TG7-37)
Paralingual space: (N51, N61, TG7-37A, TG7-37B, TG7-38)
Sublingual gland (TG7-37A, TG7-37B)
Deep part of submandibular gland and submandibular duct
Foramen cecum (N58, TG7-39)
Vallate papillae (N58, TG7-39)
Lingual frenulum (N51, TG7-38)
Sublingual caruncle and fold (N51, TG7-38)
Lingual tonsil (N58,N63, TG7-10, TG7-39)
Pharynx: (N67, TG7-21, TG7-23)
Nasopharynx (TG7-22, TG7-23)
Nasal septum
Torus tubarius
Opening of auditory tube
Pharyngeal tonsil
Pharyngeal recess
Oropharynx (TG7-22, TG7-23)
Soft palate & uvula
Palatoglossal & palatopharyngeal arches (folds)
Tonsillar fossa
     Palatine tonsil
Base of tongue & lingual tonsil
Glossoepiglottic folds
Laryngopharynx (N70, TG7-22, TG7-23)
Laryngeal inlet (aditus)
Piriform recess
Entrance to esophagus
Clinical Terms:
Otitis media/mastoiditis
Bell's palsy
Trigeminal neuralgia/tic douloureux
Frey's syndrome
Parotid tumor & calculus
Submandibular (Wharton's) duct calculus
TMJ syndrome/dislocation
LaForte fractures
Zenker's diverticulum
Heimlich maneuver