Lab Video - Peritoneal Cavity & Intestines

Play selected steps of the dissection. Choose reduced size for slower connections.
Full length video624x432 480x320
1. Review the bony landmarks.720x528 480x352
2. Expose the abdominal organs by making a midline vertical incision. 720x528 480x352
3. Examine the abdominal contents, identifying organs, mesenteries, and their relationships. 720x528 480x352
4. Remove the peritoneum from the right side of the mesentery to expose and identify the superior mesenteric artery and vein and their branches. 720x528 480x352
5. Remove the posterior body wall peritoneum to expose the inferior mesenteric vessels. 720x528 480x352
6. Examine the jejunum, large bowel, cecum, and ileocecal valve and examine their interiors on plastinated specimens. 720x528 480x352
7. Clean and examine the diaphragm, its parts, apertures and the nerves, vessels and other structures passing through or behind it. 720x528 480x352
8. Examine the preaortic autonomic nerve plexuses of the abdomen and the branches of the abdominal aorta. 720x528 480x352
9. Fragment and remove the left psoas major (and minor if present) and examine the lumbar plexus of nerves and white and gray rami of the lumbar sympathetic trunk. 720x528 480x352