Practice Quiz - Superficial Back

    Below are written questions from previous quizzes and exams. Click here for a Practical Quiz - old format or Practical Quiz - new format.

  1. The general name for an alternate pathway of blood flow in or around an organ, around a joint, or past an obstruction is called:
    an arteriovenous anastomosis
    a periarticular network
    a perivascular plexus
    a venous plexus
    collateral circulation
  2. When standing in the Anatomical Position the palms of the hands face:
  3. While wandering around in the dark in an unfamiliar home, a visitor accidentally walks into a plate glass door. The door shatters and a shard of glass severs the posterolateral aspect of the woman's neck. Examination reveals that the she is unable to elevate the tip of her shoulder on the injured side. The nerve injured is:
    dorsal scapular
    greater occiptal
    spinal nerve C4
  4. The regionally named layer of tissue which encloses and binds muscle groups together is the:
    deep fascia
    intermuscular septum
    neurovascular bundle
    subcutaneous tissue
  5. The portion of the skin that serves as a barrier to water loss is the:
    subcutaneous tissue
    superficial fascia
    deep fascia
  6. Hair, nails and teeth (enamel) originate in common with what layer?
    deep fascia
    panniculus adiposis
    subcutaneous tissue
    superficial fascia
  7. A person receives a laceration along the anterior border of the trapezius muscle in the neck and subsequently the point of his shoulder (scapula) sags and he has some difficulty fully abducting his arm. What nerve appears to have been severed?
    accessory (Cr. N. XI)
    dorsal scapular
    greater occipital
  8. When people are severely burned they have great difficulty with fluid loss because the portion of the skin which is the fluid barrier is destroyed. Which layer of the skin is responsible for preventing fluid loss?
    investing fascia
    panniculus adiposus
    subcutaneous tissue
  9. The cutaneous branch of the posterior primary ramus of C2 is called the:
    Accessory nerve
    Great auricular nerve
    Greater occipital nerve
    Lesser occipital nerve
    Superior ramus of the ansa cervicalis
  10. Interruption of cranial nerve XI would paralyze which muscle?
    latissimus dorsi
    levator scapulae
    rhomboideus major
  11. A motorcyclist lost control of his bike after hitting a wet spot on the pavement. He hit a curb and was catapulted several feet, landing on the point of his right shoulder and the right side of his head and neck, severely stretching his neck. He was taken to the emergency room with abrasions, lacerations and multiple injuries to both fleshy and bony tissues. Given this scenario, answer the following:
    For the integument to bleed or for tissue fluid to ooze from the abrasions, what layers must be damaged?
    epidermis and dermis
    epidermis and superficial fascia
    epidermis and deep fascia
    dermis and superficial fascia
    dermis and deep fascia
  12. Sutures (stitches) would be placed in which tough layer of the skin in order to sew up the lacerations?
    deep fascia
    subcutaneous tissue
    superficial fascia
  13. After initial examination, the patient is sent to radiology. Radiographs reveal that the portion of the scapula forming the tip or point of the shoulder has been fractured. This bone is the:
  14. Elevation of the tip of the patient's right shoulder was still possible indicating that which of the following nerves was intact?
    dorsal scapular
  15. Panniculus adiposus refers to an abundance of fat in the:
    deep fascia
    muscular fascia
    subcutaneous tissue
    neurovascular bundles
  16. In order to make an intramuscular injection, the needle must pass through several layers of tissue to reach the muscle. Choose the correct order of tissues the needle would pass through from superficial to deep.
    Epidermis, dermis, investing fascia, subcutaneous tissue, muscle
    Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, investing fascia, muscle
    Epidermis, investing fascia, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, muscle
    Epidermis, subcutaneous tissue, dermis, investing fascia, muscle
    Epidermis, subcutaneous tissue, investing fascia, dermis, muscle
  17. From your observations while removing the skin from the cadaver, in which area did you find the skin to be the thickest?
    Anterior surface of the forearm
    Anterior surface of the chest
    Medial surface of the arm
    Posterior surface of the forearm
    Posterior surface of the neck and scalp
  18. Loss of function, paralysis, of which muscle would result in drooping or sagging of the shoulder?
    Erector spinae
    Latissumus dorsi
    Levator scapulae
    Rhomboideus major
  19. During the first day of class a student lacerated his finger while putting a new blade on his scalpel. The cut penetrated the skin and it was necessary for him to go to the emergency room to have it stitched up. Which layers would the ER physician include in the stitches in order to close only the skin?
    Dermis, subcutaneous tissue, deep fascia
    Dermis, superficial fascia, deep fascia
    Epidermis, dermis
    Epidermis, dermis, investing fascia
    Epidermis, subcutaneous tissue
  20. As you are sitting in a quiz, the skin immediately over the base of the spine of your scapula begins to itch. The sensation from this area is mediated through which nervous structure?
    Accessory nerve
    Dorsal primary ramus of C7
    Dorsal root of T2
    Ventral primary ramus C7
    Ventral root of T2
  21. A patient complains of pain on the lower left side of her back. A radiograph confirms a hernia passing posterolaterally immediately superior to the iliac crest. This hernia passes through the:
    Lumbar triangle
    Triangle of auscultation
    Inguinal triangle
    Triangle of Calot
    Greater sciatic foramen
  22. If the right dorsal scapular nerve were cut near its origin, what would result:
    Skin of the upper back on the right side would be numb
    The point of the right shoulder would droop
    Scapular retraction on the right would be weakened
    Extension of the right arm would be weakened
    Inability to adduct the right arm
  23. The transverse cervical artery is severed in an auto accident. What muscle would be affected the most?
    Levator scapulae
    Rhomboideus minor
    Rhomboideus major
    Latissimus dorsi
  24. During a triathalon biking accident, a rider fell and landed with the handle bar of her bike forced upward into her right axilla. Subsequently while swimming in another triathalon event she found that her right arm tired so badly during the swimming portion that she could barely finish the event. During examination it was found that movements involving adduction, medial rotation and extension of her arm were particularly weak and affected her swimming stroke. The nerve injured was the:
    Dorsal scapular
    Lateral pectoral
    Medial pectoral
  25. In order for a skin abrasion to bleed, the lesion must penetrate at least into the:
    Deep fascia
    Muscular fascia
    Subcutaneous tissue
  26. After a penetrating wound in the area of the posterior axillary fold a patient had weakness in extension and adduction of the arm. Which muscle is likely involved?
    Latissimus dorsi
    Pectoralis major
    Levator scapulae
    Rhomboideus major