Lecture Notes - Joints of the Lower Limb |
The computer presentation used by Dr. Burkel in lecture is available on the web (password protected). You can also download the PowerPoint presentation to print or review.
- HIP JOINT: Multiaxial- ball and socket - designed for stability as well as free motion
- Osteology:
- Hip bone--os coxae - 3 embryological parts - ilium, ischium, pubis; Parts: Acetabulum, acetabular notch, acetabular fossa
- Femur: Parts related to joint: Head, neck, fovea capitis, intertrochanteric line and crest
- Movements: Adduction, abduction,Extension, flexion, Medial and lateral rotation, Circumduction
- Joint components:
- Cartilages: articular, acetabular labrum
- Synovial membrane
- Ligaments:
- Capsular: iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, pubofemoral
- intracapsular: ligamentum capitis femoris
- other: transverse acetabular ligament, zona orbicularis
- Bursae: iliopectineal, and synovial bursa associated with ischiofemoral ligament
- Vessels and Nerves:
- Medial and lateral circumflex femoral and obturator vessels
- Nerves: femoral, obturator, superior gluteal, n. to quad. fem.
- Injuries: Arthritic, dislocations, fractures, avascular necrosis
- KNEE JOINT: Primarily a hinge joint, with gliding and a small amount of rotation; GENU = Knee
- Osteology:
- Femur: medial and lateral condyles and epicondyles, patellar surface, intercondylar fossa,
- Patella: articular surfaces, attachments for quadraceps femoris and patellar lig.
- Tibia: med. and lat. condyles, intercondylar eminence, intercondylar tubercles
- Movements: Extension, flexion, Medial and lateral rotation
- Joint components:
- Cartilage: articular; medial and lateral menisci - bear weight in standing position
- Synovial membrane, synovial fat pad
- Ligaments:
- Capsular: medial (tibial) collateral (MCL), patellar, patellar retiniculae
- Intracapsular: anterior (ACL) a nd posterior (PCL) cruciate
- Extracapsular: fibular collateral (LCL) note- it is not attached to the capsule or lat. meniscus
- Dynamic: muscles crossing joint-intregrity of the joint is highly dependent on muscles
- Bursae: Supra and infrapatellar, subcutaneous prepatellar
- Muscles: intracapsular portion of popliteus
- Vessels and Nerves:
- Genicular anastomosis vessels:
- Femoral, obturator, tibial, common fibular nerves
- Injuries: Arthritic, dislocations, sprains, fractures, tears of ligaments and cartilages. "Terrible triad," "Drawer sign" and testing, "3 C's (collaterals, cruciates, and cartilages).
- TIBIOFIBULAR JOINTS: Proximal and distal synovial joints and interosseous syndesmosis - little movement.
- Osteology: articular surfaces and interosseous crests of tibia and fibula.
- Cartilages: articular
- Ligaments: anterior and posterior tibiofibular capsular ligs. transverse tibiofibular, interosseous mem.
- ANKLE JOINT: Talocrural Joint: A hinge joint, A mortise and tenon joint by shape
- Osteology: Malleoli of tibia and fibula, trochlea of talus
- Cartilages: Articular
- Ligaments:
- Medial: deltoid lig. (ant. and post. tibiotalar, tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular)
- Lateral: anterior and posterior talofibular, calcaneofibular
- Vessels and nerves: those in area
- Injuries: Sprains, most common, especially involving lateral ligaments because of freedom of inversion; Pott's fracture: avulsion of distal tibia and fracture of fibula, tearing of associated ligaments
accomodate irrregular surfaces, although all tarsal and the ankle joints also contribute.
- Subtalar joint: note tarsal sinus and interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
- Transverse tarsal joint: Primarily responsible for inversion and eversion ,allows foot to
- ARCHES OF THE FOOT: Transverse and Longitudinal arches supported by plantar aponeurosis, calcaneometatarsal ligament, long and short plantar ligaments, spring ligament