Review Items - Kidneys & Retroperitoneum

Kidney: (N 334,342, TG 5-30A,5-30B,5-30C,5-31B,5-31C,5-42)
Paravertebral gutters (N 263,342,329, TG 5-30B,5-30C)
Pararenal fat (TG 5-31B)
Renal fascia (TG 5-31B)
Perirenal fat (adipose capsule) (TG 5-31B)
Renal (fibrous) capsule (TG 5-32B)
Hilum (TG 5-32B)
Sinus (TG 5-32B)
Cortex (TG 5-32B)
Renal columns (TG 5-32B)
Medulla (TG 5-32B)
Renal pyramids (TG 5-32B)
Renal papillae (TG 5-32B)
Minor calyx (TG 5-32B)
Major calyx (TG 5-32B)
Renal pelvis (TG 5-32B)
Ureter (TG 5-32B,5-30B)
Suprarenal gland: (N 347, TG 5-31C)
Cortex (TG 5-32A)
Medulla (TG 5-32A)
Branch of greater thoracic splanchnic n. (N 318,346, TG 5-39,8-16)
Diaphragm: (N 185,263, TG 5-33)
Lateral, medial, and median arcuate ligaments
Central tendon
Right and left crura
Aortic hiatus
Esophageal hiatus
Caval foramen (hiatus)
Lumbocostal trigone
Muscles (N 263, TG 5-33)
Psoas major & minor
Quadratus lumborum
Iliacus m.
Abdominal aorta: (N 264, TG 5-34)
Inferior phrenic a.
Celiac trunk (N 300,301,302, TG 5-34,5-19)
Superior mesenteric a. (N 306, TG 5-13)
Renal aa. (N 332 ,335, TG 5-34, 5-32)
Interlobar aa.
Supernumerary renal aa. (N 333)
Gonadal aa. (N 332,400,401, TG 5-34, 5-30)
Suprarenal aa. (N 332, TG 5-34, 5-32)
Superior, middle and inferior
Inferior mesenteric a. (N 307, TG 5-14)
Lumbar segmental aa.
Median sacral a.
Common iliac aa.
Inferior vena cava: (N 265, TG 5-30, 5-34)
Common iliac vv.
Lumbar segmental vv. (N 332, TG 5-34)
Right gonadal v. (N 332,400,401, TG 5-34)
Right renal v. (N 332,341, TG 5-34)
Right suprarenal v. (N 332, TG 5-34)
Right inferior phrenic v. (TG 5-34)
Left renal v. (N 332,328, TG 5-34)
Left gonadal v. (N 332,400,401, TG 5-34)
Left suprarenal v. (N 332, TG 5-34)
Left inferior phrenic v. (N 332, TG 5-34)
Celiac branches of posterior vagal trunk (N 318,319, TG 8-17)
Celiac ganglia and plexus (N 318,319,320, TG 8-16, 5-39)
Aorticorenal ganglion (N 318, TG 8-16, 5-39)
Superior mesenteric ganglion & plexus (N 318,322, TG 8-16, 5-39)
Greater and lesser (and least) thoracic splanchnic nn. (in abdomen) (N 318,320,323,344, TG 8-16, 5-39)
Intermesenteric plexus (N 318, TG 5-40, 5-41, 8-16, 5-39)
Superior hypogastric plexus (N 318, TG 5-40, 5-41, 5-39)
Lumbar sympathetic trunk (N 267,318, TG 5-40, 5-41, 8-16, 5-39)
Gray and white rami communicantes
Lumbar ganglia (N 318, TG 5-40, 5-41)
Lumbar splanchnic nn. (N 318, TG 5-40, 5-41)
Subcostal n. (N 267,496, TG 5-38)
Lumbar plexus (N 267,497,498, TG 5-38)
Iliohypogastric n.
Ilioinguinal n.
Genitofemoral n.
Lateral femoral cutaneous n.
Femoral n.
Obturator n.
Lymphatics: (N 266,546, TG 5-37)
Lumbar (lateral aortic) nodes
Lumbar lymph trunks
Intestinal trunk
Cisterna chyli
Femoral ring & deep inguinal lymph nodes
Clinical Terms:
Femoral nerve iatrogenic injury
Renal calculus (kidney stone)
Cystic kidney
Horseshoe/pelvic kidney
Hiatal hernia
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)