Review Items - Anterior & Lateral Leg & Foot

Tarsal bones (N523, TG3-40A, N524, TG3-40B)
Calcaneus (N525)
     Sustentaculum tali
Talus (N523, TG3-40)
Navicular (N523, TG3-40)
Cuboid (N523, TG3-40)
Cuneiforms (medial, intermediate, lateral) (N523, TG3-40)
Metatarsals (N524, TG3-40A, TG3-40B)
Phalanges (N524, TG3-40A, TG3-40B)
Subtalar joint (N524, TG3-41B, N525, TG3-41A)
Transverse tarsal joint (N523, TG3-61)
Extensor retinacula - superior & inferior (N530, TG3-45)
Fibular (peroneal) retinacula - superior & inferior (N529, TG3-60)
Flexor retinaculum (N529, TG3-34)
Calcaneometatarsal ligament (N532, TG3-48)
Plantar aponeurosis (N532, TG3-48)
Muscles and associated structures:
Anterior compartment of leg
Tibialis anterior m. (N519, TG3-37)
Extensor hallucis longus m. (N519, TG3-37)
Extensor digitorum longus m. (N519, TG3-37)
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius m. (N521, TG3-37, N530, TG3-45)
Lateral compartment of leg
Fibularis (peroneus) longus m. (N519, TG3-37, N521, TG3-36)
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis m. (N519, TG3-37, N521, TG3-36)
Extensor digitorum brevis m. (N530, TG3-45)
Extensor hallucis brevis m. (N530, TG3-45)
Medial (big toe) compartment of foot
Abductor hallucis m. (N533, TG3-49)
Flexor hallucis brevis m. (N533, TG3-49, N535, TG3-51)
Tendon of flexor hallucis longus m. (N533, TG3-50)
Central compartment of foot
Flexor digitorum brevis m. (N533, TG3-49)
Quadratus plantae m. (N534, TG3-50)
Flexor digitorum longus tendons (N534, TG3-50)
Adductor hallucis m. (N535, TG3-51)
Interosseous mm. (plantar and dorsal) (N531, TG3-46, N535, TG3-51, N536, TG3-52, N537)
Arteries and veins:
Anterior tibial (N520, TG3-38)
Dorsalis pedis
     Deep plantar
Posterior tibial (N518, TG3-38, TG3-35)
Medial plantar (N535, TG3-51)
Lateral plantar (N535, TG3-51)
     Plantar arterial arch (N536, TG3-53)
Tibial (N541, TG3-39)
Medial plantar n.
Lateral plantar n.
     Deep br.
     Superficial br.
Digital branches
Common fibular (peroneal) n. (N541, TG3-39)
Superficial & deep fibular (peroneal) n. (N542, TG3-65)
Clinical Terms:
Compartment syndrome
Foot drop
Shin splints
Bunion/hallux valgus
Flat foot
Talipes equinovarus (club foot)