Review Items - Anterior & Medial Thigh

Ilium (N248,TG5-03, N486,TG3-04A,TG3-04B)
Iliac crest
Iliac tubercle
Anterior superior iliac spine
Anterior inferior iliac spine
Ischium (N486,TG3-04A,TG3-04B)
Ischial tuberosity
Pubis (N486,TG3-04A,TG3-04B)
Pubic crest
Pubic tubercle
Inferior pubic ramus
Ischiopubic ramus (N382, N383,TG3-05)
Obturator foramen and groove (N486,TG3-05A,TG3-05B)
Femur (N489,TG3-06,TG3-07)
Medial & lateral epicondyles
Pectineal line of femur
Lesser trochanter
Linea aspera
Adductor tubercle
Patella (N507,TG3-06,TG3-56, N511)
Tibia (N513,TG3-08,TG3-09)
Condyles & tuberosity
Medial malleolus Fibula (N495, N513,TG3-08,TG3-09)
Lateral malleolus
Joints & Ligaments:
Pubic symphysis (N248,TG5-03
Inguinal ligament (N250,TG5-04, N492,TG3-16)
Iliopsoas m. (N492,TG3-16)
Sartorius m. (N492,TG3-16)
Quadriceps femoris muscle group (N492,TG3-16)
Rectus femoris m.
Vastus medialis m.
Vastus intermedius m.
Vastus lateralis m.
Patellar ligament (N492,TG3-16)
Patellar retinacula (N492,TG3-16)
Medial muscles of thigh
Pectineus (N492,TG3-16)
Gracilis (N492,TG3-16)
Adductor longus (N492,TG3-19)
Adductor brevis (N493,TG3-20, N501,TG3-21)
Adductor magnus (N493,TG3-21)
     Adductor tendon
     Adductor hiatus
Lateral femoral cutaneous n. (N544, TG3-02)
Femoral n. (N500, TG3-17, N540, TG3-63)
Anterior femoral cutaneous nn.
Saphenous n.
N. to vastus medialis
Superficial fibular (peroneal) n. (N502, N524, TG3-65)
Deep fibular (peroneal) n. (N520, N542, TG3-65)
Obturator n. (N501,TG3-24, N539,TG3-64)
Anterior and posterior division
Superficial epigastric v. (N500, N544, TG3-02)
Dorsal venous arch of foot (N544, TG3-02)
Greater saphenous vein (N544, TG3-02, N546, TG3-70)
Femoral (common femoral) a. & v. (N500,TG3-22, N512,TG3-62)
Deep femoral a. & v. (N501,TG3-23, N512,TG3-62)
Medial & lateral circumflex femoral aa. & vv. (N501,TG3-23, N504, N512,TG3-62)
Perforating aa. & vv. (N501,TG3-23, N512,TG3-62)
Topography & Fascia:
Fascia lata (N544, TG3-02)
Iliotibial tract (N493, TG3-16, TG3-26)
Saphenous opening (N544, TG3-02)
Crural fascia (N544, TG3-02, TG3-03)
Dorsal & plantar fascia of foot (N544, TG3-02,N545, TG3-03)
Femoral triangle, sheath, ring & canal (N262,TG3-18A,TG3-18B)
Adductor canal (N492,TG3-17, N500,TG3-22, N501,TG3-23)
Pes anserinus (N490,TG3-12, N493, N506,TG3-57, N507,TG3-56)
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes (N546, TG3-70)
Deep inguinal lymph nodes (N546,TG3-70,TG3-18B)
Clinical Terms:
Meralgia paresthetica
Saphenous cutdown
Varicose veins
Compartment syndrome
Femoral line
Femoral hernia
Obturator hernia
Knee jerk reflex